Hi! I've been in a foreign land for more than a month now. A lot has been happening lately and I can't even begin to put a line between 2013 and 2014 yet. I haven't had enough time to sit and think! I can only leave you guys with a promise of travels and adventures, more art coming and new changes on the way.
Most of the great things that happened in 2013 came from hard work and in consequence took some toll in my health in the later part of the year. I have accepted and denied this cycle a number of times but such is my life, it got its own pace (I'm saying this as a matter-of-fact-kind-of-thing). I have learned to take things slow. For the most part, I am still pretty blessed and last year was still unexpectedly wonderful and exciting, I feel alive more than ever! And I'm sincerely looking forward to where this year will take me.
So here's a toast, cheers to a beautiful new year!