some things i have to write, version 3
there's something about being 22. at an age younger than this, i would still consider myself as a child. but 22 just makes one old, and you have to be responsible for the things you do. you can not blame others for a stand still, because it was a decision that you have made for yourself. (Can you blame Situation, Circumstances or Fate perhaps?)
when i was 18, i thought i was old enough back then. i wonder if it's just the power of birthday-anticipating-and-ill-be-older-now kind of thing that we get annually, but we always think we're more mature than what we actually are a day ago. mind-draining how a day can change lives. so yeah, back in the teen years, i thought i knew everything that was necessary to survive this world-reality but i guess that would be not true because you have to experience things to have the right to say i survived this with a bang.
experience. if you don't know me well enough you wouldn't have guessed ive been through a lot. present. im not the type to disclose my life story to strangers but if you've been to emotional and physical trauma over and over AND OVER again that you probably want to die (figuratively), had gotten an illness that doesn't have a cure, and a calling for a thing that will ruin your morality, then you would know why i am the way i am.
never tell me that there are others there worse than us. never tell me that you have bigger problems than mine, you don't know that. embrace discomfort because that's part of life. but never hold on to it for too long.
but generally, this is my other self speaking. in real time, im quite happy and contented with everything goes so, cheers! out and beyond