- Lupus is a chronic, auto-immune disease that can damage any part of the body. Auto immune means the immune sytem can not tell the difference between foreign invader and your body’s healthy tissue. These autobodies cause inflammation, pain etc.
- is a disease of flares (symptoms worsen and you feel ill) and remissions (symptoms improve and you feel better).
- is not contagious.
- is not like or related to cancer.
- is not like or related to HIV or AIDS. HIV or AIDS is underactive immune system. In lupus, it is overactive.
What I feel when I'm under a lupus attack or flare:

my usual take would be an old man's arthritis which usually lasts overnight before but the last time it lasted for some months. Then some rashes all over my body, the more obvious symptom. Sleeping whenever and where ever. Or sleeping for days. And then some bouts of hypersensitivity issues. But that's all.
I still can't be overstressed, exposed to the sun for too long, or go to crowded spaces but I sneak in when i can...
Which is a good and bad thing hahaha.
If you still don't get what SLE is, there is always google.
And you want a secret? Emotional stress can kill you.
Or half of your life. Karma to you.
That was my trigger and you have pulled the gun.
Thank you :)