Here is a brief description of the film:
Departures (Okuribito) is a Japanese film directed by Yojiro Takita. It won in the 81st Oscar Awards last 2009 for Best Foreign Language film. Aside from that, this film won other awards from various film festivals and the like. The film is about a former orchestra cellist, because of strange turn of events, ends up being an assistant for a certain ceremony.
So that you know why I love this movie is that I was instantly sold with the word cello (and japan and oscars) and how I love how they incorporated the music with the protagonist's life. Ive no words to describe it except beautiful.
Total inspiration!
I want to learn how to play that instrument badly. I want to create movies like that. I want to write stories again. It's like a switch to all my lust for art.
I want it right now but it isn't realistic so in the near future!! I hope!!
God, I hope!
Here is the soundtrack of Okuribito. Enjoy!