Just something I wrote back in September 2010. Found it on the drafts and dont know if Ive ever posted this before. This was my view of SLE three months or so after I was diagnosed. Will write comments on a different post.
Unofficially three months on medication, so here's a take two on my stress-induced medical life. This is a take two because the last time i wrote, it was all a blur in my head.
It started back during my college years when i occasionally felt a tingling or pain in my legs. I would associate it with classrooms being airconditioned to unbearable temperature so i thought it was just that, right? I saw myself as a healthy and active person, actually. Compared to most people my age, i was spending my time outdoors, or going to the province (where the beach and the sun loves me) and was always game for any kind of sport.
What was unusual though was that I sleep an awful lot after an activity (which i categorized as narcolepsy, then i am wrong i think). I will sleep for at least 12 hours sometimes reaching 48 hours. I will sleep in all places possible I get my head down. Or I was always low in energy. For some reason i don't know, I just thought that it was just me. My personality, laid back and chill.
So after a prologue. Last April, after an outing with some friends, I noticed how that pain in my legs never started to heal as it should. It would usually only take a day and it will be fine but after that time, I wasn't able to walk properly at all. For a week. This isn't normal anymore. I was also having high fever during night time, extreme abdominal pain, headaches, heart pains and my body was aching all over. I couldn't write even. I thought i was dying (because i was giving up on life back then, emotional stress is a deadly trigger!) We were going back and forth to different doctors that can't pinpoint what my problem is. I thought i probably just need a psychiatrist because every test says I'm alright, so i don't get what's wrong.
Then several lumps on my neck. Had it checked and operated to test for cancer, turned out negative. But after that, things got worse,, hypersensitivity issues. I cried for weeks because i felt like being burned alive, added to the fact that my grandpa was sick the same time as I am.. so for family priorities, he has to be confined and I was to stay home and take care of myself.
So it wasn't cancer but they are still there and won't go away. My brain was collapsing. I couldn't think straight. I was hallucinating about creation and the theory of relativity and quantum physics. Mandalas. Genesis. taxonomy. I was going nuts! I can't draw a proper human figure, what more, a proper circle. After another test (Anti-DSDNA) i got a major bingo! It turned out positive and I was assessed with systemic lupus erythematosus. Something rare and unusual. Lupus what? An auto-immune disease which i roughly translate as something as the self attacking itself. I was my own enemy, very appropriate!
Feeling much better now. After losing 20 pounds in a month, I gained it all back in a week. I feel like I do not own my face anymore, or my hair, or my body because it's very different from my original perception of it. Like my "essence" was completely stolen from me. Hey, maybe i really need a clean slate. Everything new. So now, im not allowed to have a real job yet, or go out in the sun forever (which i stubbornly disobey just to test myself if i can) or tire myself or be stressed physically and emotionally (because i can't take any of that literally) I wonder what's going to happen next.
I'm turning 22 in a matter of weeks. This should be a meaningful year. I need some positive reassessment of where I've gone and where I'm heading. I hate being stuck in one place it seems, so where do i go from here if the things I've known myself for is something I can't be anymore? Hmm... one thing i know for sure. I thank the people who supported me through all of this. It showed me which people are worth fighting for, who are the people that really matter. And that is enough motivation. To do things beyond yourself, still. So fight! Fight! And win :)
Home » February 2012
For the lack of a better title. Haha
Anyways, my mom and I have this certain gusto for food tripping. Some days, we would go to the side streets of Manila to indulge in cheap gastronomic delights such as siomai, turon, isaw (for my mom, I don't eat innards) and some days are like these..
We have our occasional trip on a buffet. This week, our choice was the
Crowne Plaza Seven Corners Restaurant.
One particular dish that I love was this Bouillabaisse (spell check google!)
The mixture of fish, clams and shrimp reminded me of the sun and sea. Like swimming in an ocean kind of feeling. I can't fully describe the taste, so a comparison
Like these: Bright and sunny. Very light and soothing soup dish
Or abundant fish reflected by the sunlight

The pasta marinara also delivers that kind of feel. More thicker and more flavorful
Which takes me back to these off the beaten track kind of places.
This place immediately came to mind:

Balesin Island! A bountiful island waiting to be discovered!

Or like Annawangin in Zambales, on a hiker's view. Sun-kissed with some spice. Like stepping on hot sand without slippers
I haven't made full-blown art for a long while. I do work on small projects,, nothing portfolio-quality in my opinion. Just the stress-free non-work type. No pressure. Pure fun and passion! So here it is for the meantime. Will post more when I get the chance ♡
Oops. Attended a book signing by James Jean a month ago. I love this guy!
My glazed works at the pottery studio. Especially love the patterns!
I'm a pattern-and-texture person
And a wheel-thrown bowl. I also love how the glaze turned out. The mixture of yellow and green and a hint of blue

Also, I went to this awesome handicraft street in QC/Manila, Dapitan Arcade and found these little creatures. Cheap, ceramic white and unglazed. I couldn't fight the urge to color a few!
I love my winged creatures

I also find myself obsessing with pottery. I cant help thinking about the next piece Im going to make. I even dream about vases and bowls and abstract sculptures now! It's still a long way to go before I master this art form and Im thinking of the possibility of doing this as a fulltime career.
I do want to go abroad to study it extensively. All those little details.
The science and art of building, molding, forming
It must be pretty expensive, I know. I hope someone would fund me!
(God please, or make me win the lotto, hahaha)
Pity, the Philippines doesn't have a course/ degree on this.
A long long way to go.
A very long way to go.
That's it for now :)