I haven't made full-blown art for a long while. I do work on small projects,, nothing portfolio-quality in my opinion. Just the stress-free non-work type. No pressure. Pure fun and passion! So here it is for the meantime. Will post more when I get the chance ♡
Oops. Attended a book signing by James Jean a month ago. I love this guy!
My glazed works at the pottery studio. Especially love the patterns!
I'm a pattern-and-texture person
And a wheel-thrown bowl. I also love how the glaze turned out. The mixture of yellow and green and a hint of blue

Also, I went to this awesome handicraft street in QC/Manila, Dapitan Arcade and found these little creatures. Cheap, ceramic white and unglazed. I couldn't fight the urge to color a few!
I love my winged creatures

I also find myself obsessing with pottery. I cant help thinking about the next piece Im going to make. I even dream about vases and bowls and abstract sculptures now! It's still a long way to go before I master this art form and Im thinking of the possibility of doing this as a fulltime career.
I do want to go abroad to study it extensively. All those little details.
The science and art of building, molding, forming
It must be pretty expensive, I know. I hope someone would fund me!
(God please, or make me win the lotto, hahaha)
Pity, the Philippines doesn't have a course/ degree on this.
A long long way to go.
A very long way to go.
That's it for now :)