A personal post on the soon end of the year.

2011 has been all things. The drama, the joy.
But more, it was to live life with all I got
To experience

I have to admit, it started rather melodramatic. I was still unsure where this illness I have was leading me. I wasn't back to my original self (but do we grow if we remain?). I did have self-pity. Not being able to work on a normal job. Or not doing work at all. Of being unproductive. My days were spent at home alone taking care of two old people. That by early this year, one unexpectedly passed away. That was when I realized that hey, I should be doing what I want to do. What am I waiting for? It did matter that I wasn't able to walk or write or draw before. I was scared that it will happen again. But God, I didn't lose my limbs. And I didnt die

I haven't realized it much before,,
that I am pretty much capable of doing the things I love
I have all the time in the world and I slept through some
But I knew to make good use of the rest of it.
My heart belonged to a few things.
Travel, art and service
Ive exhausted my previous years to serving others.
Now it was time so serve myself.
I traveled like Ive never traveled before. Around the country
To places I havent been and places I want to go back to
Ive made art and found my calling in moulding dirt
I feel so much alive.
Growing, discovering.
And only being at the moment

And I wonder if it ends with the year.
Everything changes but nothing is truly lost
Still thank you

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