Happy fun
This week has been pretty drag and adventurous for me.
I have my night classes on Mondays and Wednesdays
taking on mind-damaging scripts and frozen yogurt as a treat.
That Tuesday, I squeezed a stint measuring 42 feet long,
and about 6liters of paint for a theatre backdrop.
Spent the whole day with a college friend and a gradeschool faculty
that, unbelievably, are all good-looking.
Wednesday, i was in a coma and i find myself sleeping
or half-asleep even in class.
Thursday, I started painting Dandelions and finished the same day.
Friday, I started The Panpiper and some clay pieces.
Saturday, had a christmas party with the block. Much fun and
Sunday, the artwork i finished.
The week could have started last Friday, with Doodle Earth face painting activity with some kids and jewelry workshop on that Saturday.
I could say I'm back but I'm reserving that statement for January.